About US

  • I-Loan Credit Private Limited (I-Loan) is a private limited company registered as NBFC-ND with Reserve Bank of India. The company is engaged in retail finance business.
  • I-Loan is committed to deliver flexible loan products to its customers. Customer Service and innovation is at the core of working philosophy at I-Loan. It has grown over the past few years on these foundations, which have nurtured an environment of fair business practices.
  • I-Loan has a dedicated team of service oriented personnel, who ensure personalized customer care. It remains true to its core values of fairness, transparency and customer service.

Digital Lending Platforms

LoanTap Financial Technologies Pvt Ltd as digital lending platforms engaged as an agent with I-Loan Credit Pvt Ltd

Lending Partners

LoanTap Credit Products Private Limited, Grow Money Capital Private Limited (ECLEAR), Mamta Projects Private Limited (Arthmate), MAS financial Services Limited

Lending Service Provider

LoanTap Financial Technologies Private Limited